This post is all about the top 5 cheap student meals you need to know!

As a student, or person in general, there is nothing worse than CRAVING some tasty food but not having enough money to buy it. Or maybe you are sticking to a tight budget, like most of us do, and can’t afford to splurge and waste money on unnecessary food items. If you want to stick to your budget AND eat tasty, cheap meals, you are in the right place for some cheap and somewhat healthy student meal ideas to try out.
Cheap Student Meals
If you are looking for meat or meat free options, we’ve got you covered! Most of these meals may sounds super expensive but remember you can buy things and cook them in bulk so they stretch out to loads of meals. You can also substitute more pricier things for cheaper items (like, no one needs Himalayan salt.)
Roasted Red Pepper Pesto Pasta
You wouldn’t think with a tounge-twister name like this, that this meal was actually a cheap student meal ideas. However, this pasta is super cheap and easy to make and has been rated 5 stars!
It’s time to spice up the standard pasta and try this one out from Crunch & Cream
Chicken Fajitas
This recipe from Berry&Maple requires only 20 minutes for you to make it and the ingredients are very cheap. This particular recipe requires one chicken breast and some herbs and seasoning to make the sauce. Ofcourse you can double this and batch cook a bunch of fajitas (yum!)
Veggie and Non-Veggie Stuffed Peppers
These stuffed peppers from the Modern Proper are delicious! Honestly, they are such a big winner and you can easily make extra for the following day.
I usually make mince meat stuffed peppers and look how delicious they look (pre-oven lol)

Tuna Pasta Salad with Pine Nuts
This recipe from The Cook Report looks so tasty! Tuna can be quite expensive when you think that one can is around 1.5 however, with recipes like this that one can, can stretch to a couple of delicious tuna pasta salad meals. YUM.
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Jacket Potato!
We have a lot of American readers here on TCP, so I am going to say do not knock this, until you try it! Jacket potatoes are a super cheap and yet filling student meal idea you do not not want to try!
I have mine with tuna a lot but the cheapest option is probably baked beans and The Kittchen shows you just how to make one!
Meat Chilli
Probably one of my most used cheap student meal ideas! This is so quick and easy to make. I used to batch cook my chilli and then defrost it throughout the week with some pasta or rice!
This five ingredient is super easy to make, i’d definitely recommend this recipe from Pip and Ebby!
The mince itself you could get for less that £4 but that would feed me for about 4 meals!
Veggie Chilli
How good does this vegetarian chilli, from Chelsea’s Messy Apron, look? As it is made with all veggies it is super cheap, lasts quite long and again, you can freeze portions and defrost them whenever you like!
Another Pesto Pasta but this time, Carrots

This is a TCP original again 😉 I had this all of the time and its a great option for cheap student meals!
This costs probably around £1 per portion
The vegetables are frozen and they are £1 for a big bag, pasta is about £1 for a big bag, and the pesto is less than £1 to buy!
- Start cooking your pasta of choice, here I chose fuseli
- Whilst that cooks, cut up your desired veggies and cook those in a pan with some olive oil, onion powder and garlic salt.
- Drain your pasta, add the veggies in with the cooked pasta, stir, add some pesto you bought from Aldi for 79p, stir again.
- Add some galic salt, serve and enjoy!
Curried Chickpeas and Spinach
This Budget Bytes recipe looks so delicious and great for people on a budget! The chickpeas give you protein, the spinach gives you some iron and good vitamins, and the whole recipe itself gives you tasty goodness!
Pitta Bread Pizza
This is, by far, one of my favourite things to cook on a budget.
All you need is some pitta bread, tomato puree, cheese and some pizza toppings.
- Start off, by turning on your grill and allowing that to heat up.
- I always opt for veggies so I fry some onions, peppers and mushrooms in a pan.
- Whilst thats frying, I put some tomato puree on the pitta bread and let that warm up on the grill for a few minutes (about 2-3 minutes.)
- Once the veggies are soft, I put them onto the pitta bread, along with some cheese.
- Continue to grill for a few more mintes and voila. Tasty.
A Golden Delicious Cheese & Ham Toastie
Does this even need an explanation? Sometimes you just crave a toastie. You can also take out the ham and put things like aubergine in it (don’t knock it till you try it.) Or you can just have a plain grilled cheese like this one from The Modern Proper.
Add some soup to your toasty!
Nothing beats a nice warm soup, on a cold night. Soups are great because you can batch make them for super cheap and freeze them!
There we go, those were some delicious and easy to make, cheap student meals, that will keep you full whilst on a budget!
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