The Curious Planner offers: reviews, sponsored posts, sponsored links and many other collaboration options such as, guest posts and event invites.
If you are a business or person wishing to contact me for any reasons feel free to contact me on:
The Curious Planner will accept collaborations, paid for or not, will be decided by Georgia herself. Prices vary depending on the nature of the collaboration and the suitability of the collaoration to the audience of The Curious Planner.
The Curious Planner favours the right to not review products sent to her if product is not up to standard. However, if a review is paid for Georgia will be 100% honest in her review, regardless of the price of payment. Again, prices will vary depending on the product and the work that has to be put in for the review and the suitability it has for my audience.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me on the email above.