This guide is letting you in on how to be a straight A student!

Getting an A is hard but straight As, across the board, even harder! Luckily for you, you are in the right place. Here is how to be a straight A student from someone who was one!
How to be a Straight A Student
1 | Show up to every single one of your lessons
As most lessons and lectures are online at the moment, it’s easy to just be present but no be present but also, it’s easy to just not show up!
It is so important, however, for you to be there. Your teacher/ lecturer can drop valuable information during these times that you wouldn’t know if you don’t show up.
For example, they could be explaining exam technique, exam solutions etc. that can really help you. For example, my lecturer used to go over a bunch of physical chemistry questions and how to solve them in the way he wanted…. and one of them actually came up in the exam.
2 | Stay Up To Date With Your Notes
All of these tips are equally important but this one probably just a little bit more. Why? Having up-to date notes means you are not left behind when it comes to the next lecture, having no idea what is going on.
If you write up your notes on the day/ week of the lecture, you can consolidate your knowledge, and effectively be prepared for the next lecture and actually understand what is going on. Thus, effectively learning and understanding more of what you are learning- the key for getting straight As.
3 | Further Reading
Do it. Read a lot up on the subject you are studying. The more background information you have, the more you can apply it, and the more in depth understanding you have of it.
This is a perfect tip for those studying humanities because the more background info you have and apply into your projects, the more marks you get!
Want more study posts?
- Click HERE if you want more ways to ace your A-levels
- Check out everything University and studying HERE
- Here you will find great productivity tips!
- The BEST Stationery list for students is right HERE

4 | Past Papers and Mark Schemes
Understanding the way examiners mark and the way they ask questions is probably the biggest secret on how to be a straight A student. The more past papers you do, the more experience you have in answering questions. This leads to a deeper understanding of how to specifically answer questions to get more marks and secure that A.
Past papers also inform you on topics you need to study more and those you have a good understanding of.
5| Print Out and Learn Your Syllabus
Your syllabus is probably the most overlooked thing EVER! Why? I will never know because it tells you every single thing you need to know for your exam. Work smarter (but also hard) and learn what you actually NEED to know for the exam.
6| Ask Questions
If you do not understand something, ask questions to make sure you do understand it. At the end of the day, it’s your education and you will only be doing yourself a disservice if you don’t ask.
7 | Make A Work Timetable
Throughout your journey as a student you should have a work timetable to try and stick to.
Every single day allocate yourself topics and subjects to research/ revise (depending on what time of year it is.) This ensures you give each subject equal attention and no subject is left behind.
If you want to know more about scheduling your day, check out this post.
8 | Use your Free Periods Wisely
If you are American, a free period is time throughout the school day where you have no lessons (maybe study hall?) Use these frees to do some work! Do a past paper, plan an essay… just do it. It’s also beneficial and you be better prepared and secure that A.
9 | Relax
How to become a straight A student? Relax. You need to give yourself some time to rest and allow everything to sink in. Doing too much everyday can result into burnout, which will leave you unproductive for weeks!
Have a break, have a kitkat, whatever you do, just put the books down for an hour and do whatever you want!
Read: How To Stay productive Without Risking your Social Life
There we have it, a few tips on How to Be A Straight A Student.
Want more study posts?
- Click HERE if you want more ways to ace your A-levels
- Check out everything University and studying HERE
- Here you will find great productivity tips!
- The BEST Stationery list for students is right HERE