This post is all about how to be more productive! We are providing you with some genius productivity tips and tricks to help you get things done!

As we start a new year, a new exam season, or a new project we want to be able to get things done in a timely manner and smash our goals. It can be quite difficult to do this. But guess what? It is possible with the productivity tips given in this post.
Whether your goal is weeks away, days away or at the end of the year, whether your task is big or small, implementing these genius productivity tips will help you get there!
Here’s how to be more productive!
How To Be More Productive
I am just going to put a disclaimer in before we start. You do not need to do every single one of these tips to be productive. Productivity is determined by you. If making your bed is productive for you, that’s great! If going on a run at 7am in the morning and doing all of your chores is productive, that’s also great.
Set more than one alarm
Start your day right and actually get up when you are supposed to. I set about five alarms in the morning to get myself up on time. This helps you snooze whilst also snoozing less, if that makes sense! I highly recommend doing this if you struggle waking up in the morning
Set out all of the things you will need in the morning the night before
Setting out your clothes, the things you make your breakfast and coffee with, and your makeup up and shower things will help streamline your morning and enable a stress free start to your day.
Make a daily to-do list in the morning
As you sit down with your morning hot drink and breakfast, make a to-do list of thing you need to get done in that day. This could be looking at all of the appointments, meetings, or calls you have and pencilling them in as well as other tasks.
Making a to-do list will allow your productivity to skyrocket as it is a visual tool that will inspire you to get things done!
Set Small Manageable Goals
Be realistic, do not expect to complete a whole draft of your thesis in one day. Setting yourself small manageable tasks will help you be more productive as you are actually able to complete them!
Meal Prep!
This is such a massive time-saver. You do not even have to think about what’s for lunch and dinner because you already have it!
I know meal prepping is quite hard but if you go onto Pinterest and type in meal prep ideas, there’s 1000s of posts!
Clean Up As You Go
Whilst you go about your daily routine make sure to clean up after yourself. You may spend a few minutes doing this but its better spending a few minutes here and there instead of 30 minutes at the end of the day.
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- 7 Ways to be Productive and NOT Ruin Your Social Life
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- How to Organize your Desk to Increase Productivity
Go over your to-do list

Being productive is NOT completing the whole of your to-do list. It is doing what YOU can, that YOU deem as productive.
Going over your to-do list throughout the day will help you understand the pace you work at. This makes it easier to set yourself taks in the future as you will roughly know how long they will take. This is also good as you can amend daily tasks if you know there is no way you are going to get it done.
Review your goals regularly
Reviewing you goals will help you be more productive because you are mentally reminding yourself of your goals. Subconsciously, you will therefore work harder towards your goals, making you achieve them.
Rank Your Tasks in Order of Importance
Rank the things you need to do in the day in order of importance, and do the most important things first. This will automatically make you feel more productive once the more important task is checked off.
Complete Small Tasks in Chunks
Set aside about an hour a day to get small tasks done. This could be sending out some emails, folding your laundry, and washing up dishes. All three tasks can be done within the space of an hour. These power hours are amazing to just tick off loads of things that need to be done.
Go For A Walk in the Middle of The Day
Taking breaks is crucial for high productivity! Break up your day and go for a walk during lunch. This will help clear your head and allow your brain to refresh and rejuvinate for the second part of your day.
Clear Your Workspace at the End of the Day
I cannot stress how important this task is. At the end of the day, clear your desk off all thing you used that day such as, coffee mugs, plates, pieces of paper, books etc. as you do not want to carry them over with you to the new day. It is so annoying waking up in the morning and having to clear your desk before you have to work!
Treat Yo’ Self
That’s right! You have got to give yourself regular breaks when being productive. As said before, being productive is not doing every single thing on your to-do list.
Treat yourself for tasks you complete. For example, once I write this post I am going to have some chocolate. Not only does this motivate you but it actually works to get things done!
That was HOW TO BE PRODUCTIVE! If you have any productivity tips, make sure to comment them below!
Want More Organisation And Productivity Posts? You got it:
- 7 Ways to be Productive and NOT Ruin Your Social Life
- FREE Apps That Increase Productivity
- How to Organize your Desk to Increase Productivity