This post is all about helping you deal with homesickness at university as wobble week is real.

Wobble week. Have you heard of it before? I hadn’t heard of it until my first year of University where my lecturer mentioned homesickness. Apparently, during a specific week in November you are psychologically more homesick than any other time and you know what? He was telling the truth. With a plethora of restrictions in place due to the current situation, you’re more likely to get homesick sooner and it’s really not a nice feeling, especially because it’s not easy jumping on the train home anymore…. here’s how to deal with it.
How To Deal With Homesickness At University
A lot of these are easier said than done points, so if you are really struggling please speak to your university about it ; they have structures in place to support you and your mental health.
These points listed below are all things you can do for yourself that will ease the homesickness!
Make your space as homely and cosy as possible

One of the main reasons why we miss home is because and its obvious, we are not at home. It’s really important for you to create a space that reminds you of home. Stick some pictures up in your room, make your room as cosy as possible so you can relax and be all homely!
For more tips on making your uni room nice and cosy, click here.
Facetime people from home
Keep watering your home roots and speak to people from home regularly! I used to facetime my mum and little brother loads during my first year at university and it really helped!
You are not alone in this, talk to your university friends
This is such an important point because it’s true. Most students go through periods of homesickness and loneliness. It’s comforting to know you are not alone so talk to your friends about it and you’ll start to feel a bit better.
Need more University posts?
- 7 Insanely Easy Ways to Stay Productive At University!
- 11 Ways to Make Your Uni Room More Cosy
- 12 Genius Uni Decor Ideas
- Things to do Indoors and Outdoors this Fall
- 15 Things You Need to Know Before Starting University
Do more activities with your housemates and friends

With current restrictions its difficult to meet up with people and grab a bit to eat. Engage with your friends, housemates and those inside your bubble and do some indoor activities together! You could have a movie night, a dinner party, pizza and puzzle nights. Do any activity to take your mind off of missing home.
For a great list of things to do indoors, click here.
Write your feelings down
If you are not much of a talker, like myself, write your feelings down. It can be very therapeutic and extremely helpful for you to keep a journal of how you are feeling and dealing with things.
Try a new hobby
Keep your brain occupied and try out something new! This could be embroidery, reading, cooking, drawing, anything that tickles your fancy.
If you would like to get into embroidery I bought this cool kit back in June and absolutely LOVE it!

There you have it! Implement some of these tips and tricks to help combat your homesickness at university!
Need more University posts?
- 7 Insanely Easy Ways to Stay Productive At University!
- 11 Ways to Make Your Uni Room More Cosy
- 12 Genius Uni Decor Ideas
- Things to do Indoors and Outdoors this Fall
- 15 Things You Need to Know Before Starting University
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