If you are looking to save some money and need some help to do so, these savings tracker printables will help you reach your goal!

Saving money can be super hard and restrict you from doing so many things. What if I tell you, it doesn’t have to be that way? Tracking your savings and keeping tabs on where your money is going is the KEY to save some extra cash.
Now, we have already gone over 8 Easy Ways to Save Money, and Sinking Funds 101: How to Use Them (with a free printable). Now it is time to track our savings goals using a free savings tracker.
What is a Savings Tracker
A savings tracker is a visual representation of your savings. You can be saving for literally anything: a new car, a holiday, a new pair of boots… whatever you would like.
Savings trackers are amazing tools that will help you reach your savings goals because each time you save up to the new milestone, you get to tick it off/ colour it in.
Savings Tracker PDF download
Here you can sign up to receive a free pack of savings tracker for you to use! Not only do I use these savings tracker in my budget planner, I also use a bunch of these savings tracker for bullet journal, as you’ll see after you download them below.
Want more than three savings trackers? Click here to check out our Etsy pack with 7 savings tracker options!
How to use Savings Trackers:
As said above, savings tracker are amazing tools to reach your money goals. Within this pack, I am going to show you what I use each free savings tracker for.
For ease of presentation and privacy, I have used my GoodNotes app to fill out my free savings tracker templates.
That is another great thing about these savings trackers, you don’t have to print them out and use them in your journal, you can keep them on your tablet and use them digitally, too.
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These first two trackers are super cool and simple for tracking savings. I used the thermometer as how a thermometer is usually used and coloured in the line whenever I got to the milestone.
With the jar, I could have gone a few ways, one being similar to the thermometer and the other doing what I have done here. I decided to draw coins within the jar, just to make this savings tracker a but more fun. Of course you do not have to use coins, you can go ahead and draw whatever you would like. For example, if you are saving for a new car, you can draw wheels, or steering wheels.

For the final tracker in the free savings tracker printable pack, I have used the cloud savings tracker not a savings tracker, but a weight-loss tracker (see how versatile these trackers can be?) This tracker is absolutely perfect because there’s so many clouds that you can put a lot of milestones in place and overall just looks a but more fun. I suggest using the biggest cloud at the top as the pinnacle of your goal.
Wait.. there’s more savings trackers?
If you love these savings trackers, there is a whole pack, with 4 more trackers, available on my Etsy! Here are some of them below:

They come in both: A4 and A5 size (so that’s Letter and ‘Half Letter’ size!) I am obsessed with the graph tracker and the 10k tracker!
Also on Etsy: 52 Weeks Savings Challenge, Home Savings Tracker
There we have it, three awesome free savings tracker printables for you to use and reach all of your savings goals! Let me know if you give this a download and use them, as they are perfect for your journal. If you download our pack on Etsy, let me know, too 🙂
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