This post is all about the absolute best self care bullet journal spreads that will actually help you.

We’re at that point in our lives where everything is go, go, go and we hardly ever have time to take a second and have a breather. Even a few minutes a day focussing on ourselves can improve both out mental and physical health massively. Therefore, as we look at our bullet journal multiple times a day, it won’t not help to have some self care bullet journal spread ideas to remind us it’s time to take a breather and look after ourselves. Take it from me, it’s a great to have some self care bullet journal trackers pages be reminded ‘take some time out!’
Now wether you are looking for some self care bullet journal layout ideas or even a self care bullet journal bingo spread- this post will give you alot of inspo.
This post is all about some fun self care bullet journal spread ideas!
Self Care Bullet Journal Spreads
During these tougher times we are in, self care is so important and these self care bullet journal ideas are amazing in helping you achieve some self-loving.
1. A Self Care Bullet Journal Template

Eventhough the post-its are actually drawn in here, I think it would be great to actually place in post-its and then change them up as an when you like as your self-care to-dos change.
2. This How To Destress Page

The bright colours of this ways to de-stress page will automatically lift yours mood, along with the list of your favourite things to do to de-stress. Be intentional with this page and also super specific. Being stressed is horrible so pinpoint what makes you feel better and go for it! Definitely try this self care bullet journal spread using some fun highlighters.
Recreate this spread:
Dual Ended - highlighter on one side, marker on the other
Awesome colour range!
4. This Self Care Bullet Journal Routine

This morning self care bullet journal routine spread is perfect if you are on the go and actually need to schedule some self care time in. It’s so important to keep to a routine when you are feeling low/ in the need of some care as it can get you back on track so much faster!
Recreate this spread:
5. Self Care Bullet Journal Easy

Recreate this spread:
If you have seen my 2021 bullet journal, you know how much I LOVE kraft paper and this spread by Annie is no exception! Self care is NOT selfish and it is fine for us to have some time to ourselves!
6. Self Care Bullet Journal Doodles

Recreate this spread:
Dual Ended - highlighter on one side, marker on the other
Awesome colour range!
Gotta love some bullet journal doodles! These self care doodles from MashaPlans are so cute! Also the mildliner colours are so pretty!
Need some more bullet journal ideas?
- How to Start a Bullet Journal
- 6 Bullet Journal Essentials You Will Actually Use!
- Click HERE for cover ideas for every month, January through to December.
- Click HERE for bullet journal spread ideas posts you need to see
7. Wellbeing in Lockdown Spread

Recreate this spread:
This spread is so important for current times and the advice given in the spread is perfect for you to copy out into your bullet journal.
8. Things That Make You Happy

Recreate this spread:
This spread is a great way for you to look back on and be reminded of the things that make you happy so you can (hopefully) continue doing them.
9. This Astrology Self Care/ Skin Care Routine

Recreate this spread:
I love the use of astronomy and skincare in one spread! This spread used some of my absolute favourite pens: the Sakura micron pens!
10. Self Care Bullet Journal Menu

How cool is this idea? You separate tasks into 5, 10, 15 minutes and pick what you want to do that day.
I also think it’s a great idea to have a monthly checklist of weekly self care things to do!
Overall, this is a great self care bullet journal dashboard!
11. Self Care Bullet Journal Sleep Tracker

Having a goodnight’s sleep is SO underrated! Make sure to put in a sleep tracker if you struggle to sleep. This will make you more aware of your sleep pattern and hopefully improve it!
12. Self Care Bullet Journal Bingo

This self care bullet journal menu is such a cool idea! Use this spread to pick the things you love and when you feel the need tick some off until you get bingo!
This is such a lovely spread idea! It is fantastic to have a self care bullet journal spread where you can go to when you start feeling sad and anxious. Get creative with you fave pens and list things you love to do to cheer yourself up.
Recreate this spread:
13. Finally, Things To STOP Doing
This is a spread we could ALL use in our bullet journals, right? We put ourselves down, we don’t believe in ourselves as much as we should. Basically, we don’t show ourselves enough self love. I highly recommend this spread!
That was the best self care bullet journal spread ideas that will actually help you!
Need some more bullet journal ideas?
- How to Start a Bullet Journal
- 6 Bullet Journal Essentials You Will Actually Use!
- Click HERE for cover ideas for every month, January through to December.
- Click HERE for bullet journal spread ideas posts you need to see
That was the best self care bullet journal spread ideas that will actually help you!