This post is the TOP starting university tips for students, every student needs to know to ensure you have the best time ever.

If you are reading this, you are: a. a fresher OR b. a parent/ guardian of said fresher, getting ready to start university for the first time. I know first hand that starting university can be a bit daunting; there’s so much to do in so little time and let’s face it: you’re nervous.
BUT do not worry; I am here to help you and take a lot of that stress away by giving you the top 15+ starting university tips from people who actually went to university!
After reading this post you will be so much better prepared to take on first year with these university fresher’s tips.
This post is all about starting university tips you need to know.
RELATED POST: Everything you NEED To Take to University | University Packing Checklist!
Starting University Tips You NEED To Know
These tips are going to mostly relate to your university experience and things a lot of people do not tell you! Let’s get into some things to consider when going to university and living away from home for the first time.
1. Your housemates are NOT going to be your best friends
This is one that was a shocker to learn. When you see people on instagram at uni, they seem so close with their housemates; they’re having the best time at Freshers and really living their best uni life. Or are they? Most likely case scenario, it will not last or they’re only showing a few of their housemates.
You’re living with new people for the first time in your life and personalities are bound to clash. You are not going to get along with everyone and not everyone is going to get along with you.
Sometimes the people you don’t get along with are your housemates and this is OK as it pushes you out of your comfort zone to make new friends and hang around with the housemates you do get along with.
2. People are only posting the ‘Fun Times!’
During first year you are going to go through a bit of a wobble where you’re a bit down and homesick and it’s not going to help seeing everyone living their best uni lives on Instagram. Just think, you have only documented the good times in your life on Instagram, you haven’t shown the downs and it is the same with other people. Everyone goes through a wobble in University, it’s tough but please don’t think you are alone in this. Talk to your friends and your family; it will be okay.
If you are finding that your anxiety sometimes is getting the best of you, please click here for my guide on what helps reduce my anxiety, which may help you too.
3. You NEED to know that some students are messy!
On the more gross side of these starting university tips is messy housemates. We have all seen the images and tiktok videos of messy student flats and prey it will never be us, but you cannot pick your housemates.
You may not mind it at first but when fresher’s is over and everyone is staying in a bit more, you are going to notice that some people do not care if a pan, with food in, has been sitting out for 5 days straight.

4. Food is expensive! (especially cheese)
This one was such a shocker. Your first food shop is going to leave you shell-shocked. You will not believe your mum has been spending a fiver on a good brick of cheese (like wth, you could use that to fund a night out!) You will soon learn which items you need to buy branded (like coffee, tea) and unbranded (like cheese.)
So here is some funny advice for university students: start saving because you can’t just live off of alcohol- you need food!
5. DO NOT move into your 2nd year University house with the People You Met in Freshers
As far as starting university tips go, this one is mega important.
You were a different person in freshers; you were drinking, living it up, having good, fun times. However, once a few months has passed and you are not that person anymore, you’re more yourself and you have found new friends; you probably do not even get along with your fresher’s friends anymore.
My uni town’s estate agencies didn’t open any of their student listings until January so we had a whole term to find some housemates. However some estate agency’s start listing as early as October so be REALLY sure on who you want to live with.
6. Try to say ‘Yes’ To Every Opportunity
You learn so much about yourself in university therefore, it is so important to say yes to everything you can say yes to. Ofcourse, this is within reason, like don’t go on a three/four day bender if you don’t want to. However, if you have always wanted to skinny dip or cheerlead, then do it!
You are only at university once and time flies; make sure you make the most of it.
7. Get To Know your Tutors
Build a relationship with them as they will be more likely to help you out with assignments and revision. Also they’re actually really cool and will share some cool stories with you.

8. Don’t like your course? Changing is easy
Well it’s easier than you think. You will most likely have to miss a year and then start in first year again but it’s easy to change. Speak to your tutors, let them know how you are feeling and they can put you in touch with people that can make the move possible.
Enjoying Starting University Tips and want to read some more university posts? Check them out:
- Things to Pack for University | University Packing List 2021
- The Best University Stationery List for 2021
- Click HERE for ALL Things University
9. Take advantage of the FREE University services
Your university offers you so much help and hardly anyone uses it. Get in touch with the health and wellbeing team at your university and get some help. They offer:
- Counselling
- Landlord advice
- Bereavement services
- Mitigating circumstances help
And much, much more.

10. Staying Organised is Key
Keep a planner or start a bullet journal (click here to get to know how to start one) to help you keep on top of all of your work. This will help you alleviate so much stress and it will make you feel on top of things.
RELATED POST: How To Start A Bullet Journal | 22 Things Every Fresher Should Take to University!
11. Join Clubs to Enrich your Experience
When you start university, there is this thing called Fresher’s Fair where all of the university clubs come together in one place so you can sign up and join all of the clubs you are interested in.
Dominos is also always there giving you free pizza (yum!)
Joining clubs is a great way to meet new friends and try things you never have tried before.
12. Work Experience whilst at University is Important
It is important for your career, and your university experience. Work experience during your university years may help you decide what you want to do but most importantly, it will help you decide what you do NOT want to do.
Make things easier on your graduate self and try go for some work experience. This means applying to loads of summer internships and emailing recruiters. This will help you find a job in the post university graduate market.

13. How to Prepare for University Mentally | First Year IS NOT Always The Best Year
If you are wondering how to prepare for university mentally, this is one of the best university freshers tips. You are finding your feet, meeting your group of friends, getting to know the city, getting used to living by yourself and all of these different personalities. That’s a lot to put on yourself in 9 months.
First year can be really stressful but hang in there! I really disliked my first year but my second and third years were the best year’s I’ve had in my life. For second year, you are going to be living with people you actually want to live with and have a much better experience.
14. University Long Distance Relationships do NOT work
Take this starting university tips with a pinch of salt as every relationship is different!
Now this is one I do not have experience in but I know a few people that have. Relationships at uni are hard. Freshers is an intense experience so it’s difficult to go through it when you’re apart from someone.
15. The best starting university tips is: It’s NOT as Scary as You Think It Will Be
University will most likely be the best time of your life. You learn so much about yourself and others, you go through so many ups and downs but everything is worth it. You will meet some friends for life and do some questionable things but you’ll laugh more than you cry and think about uni for the rest of your life.
There we have it! 15 Tops Starting University Tips You Need To Know Before You Start University! If you have any more things people should know, please leave them below.
Want to read some more university posts? Check them out:
- Things to Pack for University | University Packing List 2021
- The Best University Stationery List for 2021
- Click HERE for ALL Things University